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  • Want to get the new issue of Down the Line magazine delivered right to your email in box? Subscribe to this list (non attachment version below). This newsletter will only go out every few months when there is a new issue, even though the frequency above might say daily. You will also need to select to get html emails if you want attachments. Please do not select this option if you also choose the "New Issue + Link" option below.
  • Want to get the new issue of Down the Line magazine before anyone else? Don't have a large enough in box to handle attachments, or just want the choice of downloading or not? Subscribe to this list and you will be one of the first to know when a new issue is ready to download. This newsletter will only go out every few months when there is a new issue, even though the frequency above says daily. Please do not select this option if you also choose the "New Issue + PDF" option above.

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